
Hi👋 I'm Katsumi, a full stack developer with a passion for building software.

I always want to build a great thing. I have been doing whatever I found necessary to build one—as a result, I wear different hats in different projects.

Since I like the sense of building something, I prefer working in a small, agile, and professional team where I can see the full picture of the project, as well as the end users.

I always think and learn a better way. I share my insights and experience in this blog. I hope it will help some folk like me:)

For more tech-oriented posts, I post them on Hashnode.

Personal Projects

I love experiments outside my work. It's where I have no restrictions or constraints from my client or boss, so I can play with my ideas and learn the best.

Check out my Github repositories for my experiments.

I also have built some video games and music out of JavaScript. Please play and have fun!

Personal Life

I was born in Japan, and I've grown up in this country. So I can speak fluent Japanese, by the way. I'm currently based in Tokyo but moving Melbourne.

I love playing video games (especially PS2 ones). I read SF manga and anime from the 80s. I listen to and sometimes make electronic music. I read dystopian/cyberpunk novels. I love hanging out with my friends with whom I can talk about things like that. This is no place to rant about them, but let's maybe talk if you happen to work with me:)


Send an email to yozibak@gmail.com if you would like to contact me.


Github© 2024 Katsumi Yoshida